Country Day: “From Manure to the Festive Table”

On April 17, in Zemgale (in Tērvete and Zaļenieki parishes), we organized a Country Day: “From manure to the festive table”. At the Country Day, those present had the opportunity to get to know and compare three different, modern liquid manure spreading technologies, watch how scientists from the Latvian University of Agriculture measure GHG emissions after manure spreading, and also jointly visited one of the most interesting and efficient multidisciplinary farms in Latvia, SIA “Mežacīruļi”. Thank you to JSC “Agrofirma Tērvete” and SIA “Mežacīruļi” for hosting us and sharing their farming experience! The Country Day was organized within the framework of the Green Agri project, as one of the final project events.



PRes_Society Farmers' Assembly invites to a rural day in Zemgale