A field day on disinfection methods will be held on August 13th.

LLKC in cooperation with Jānis Straģis Brunava parish dairy farm “Krišjāņi”, the Farmers' Assembly and the Latvian Dairy Farmers' Union invite you to attend a demonstration field day in dairy farming on August 13 on the impact of disinfection methods on calf health. The field day will take place August 13 in two parts: from 9.30 to 13.30. Start in the hall of the Grenctāle Culture House of Bauska region, continuation – in the “Krišjāņi” breeding calf shed of the SIA “Straģa Jāņa zemnieku saimniecijas” in Brunava parish.




During the field day, there will be an opportunity to learn about the goals, objectives and indicators of the second iteration of the demonstration. Scientific consultant A. Mālniece will talk about the practical application of various disinfection methods, about the possibilities of reducing the number of various pathogenic microorganisms and the importance of laboratory control of disinfection. Consultant-expert in veterinary medicine D. Arbidāns will talk about the indicators obtained during the demonstration: the effectiveness of the disinfection methods used during the demonstration, the identified microorganisms and antibiotic sensitivity, and the usefulness of using antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases.


Additional information and application: Dainis Arbidāns at the following contacts: e-mail: dainis.arbidans@llkc.lv or by calling 28655398.


Demonstration theme (lot): “The impact of disinfection methods on calf health” (Lot 6 of the RSS contract No. No.10.2.1-2.36/23/P4).