Breedexpo2 project experience exchange trip to Uzbekistan
As part of the Breedexpo2 project, we are visiting the agricultural exhibition “AgroExpo Uzbekistan 2023” in Tashkent with the aim of promoting the trade of purebred cattle and biomaterial. Latvian companies are represented at the exhibition stand by SIA “Liellopu izsoļu nams” and A/S “Kurzemes CMAS”.
During our visit to Uzbekistan, we visited a dairy and beef cattle fattening farm, where some of the fattening bulls were imported from Latvia. We met with the Latvian Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Reinis Trokša, and discussed opportunities for promoting cattle exports, importing mineral fertilizers, and attracting guest workers. We visited the International Agricultural University, where we were received by the head of the international department, Nargiza Khujanazarova, and the vice-rector of the Tashkent Agricultural University, Aziz A. Abduvasikov, where we discussed opportunities for agricultural student exchange and the availability of internships at Latvian agricultural enterprises.