Estonian farmers' experience exchange trip to Latvia
On September 19-21, 2018, a group of farmers from Estonia visited several Latvian farms as part of the GreenAgri project, inspecting various organic fertilizer storage facilities and management methods. Representatives of the Farmers' Council Raimonds Jakovickis and Elīna Dūdiņa participated in the trip.
During the trip, we visited the Amata region farm “Kalna pūces”, SIA “Rudzāts”, SIA “Liellopu izsoļu nams”, SIA “Kalna Dambrāni” and SIA “Vecsiljāņi”. On the last day of the trip, we visited the field day “Demonstration of organic fertilizer spreading equipment” at the farm “Vecsiljāņi”.
Read more about the trip in the Farmers' Assembly magazine No. 20 –