GREENAGRI closing seminar

On May 17 and 18, the final seminar of the GreenAgri project took place in Zemgale, during which the activities of the demo farms were evaluated from an agrotechnical and environmental protection perspective in the context of the overall project.


The seminar was opened by Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistre, Deputy Chairperson of the Association “Zemnieku saeima” and expert of the GreenAgri project. Subsequently, Zanda Melnalksne, innovation development expert of the “GreenAgri” project, informed about the differences in the legislation of Latvia and Estonia in organic manure management, the use of the results obtained in the project in educating farmers and involvement in other projects. Inga Bērziņa, coordinator of the “GreenAgri” project, continued the seminar, talking about experience exchange trips and seminars – the positive interaction of specialists from non-governmental organizations, farmers and state institutions in obtaining, circulating and using information in making informed decisions.


The first part of the seminar was concluded by Iveta Grudovska, an agricultural expert from the "GreenAgri" project, presenting the participants with an evaluation of the performance indicators of the demo farms, their analysis, and recommendations for future management.


In the second part of the seminar, Ainis Lagzdiņš (environmental and water management expert) informed about the results of water monitoring on demo farms and analyses of nitrogen emission measurements from soil after the use of organic fertilizer, as well as the impact of environmental elements of land reclamation systems on the reduction of nutrients in water. In turn, Raimonds Jakovickis, a livestock specialist of the “GreenAgri” project, spoke about the economic and environmental evaluation of organic fertilizer spreading technologies.


At the end of the seminar, those present shared their experiences and benefits from the project, as well as gave interviews and participated in the creation of a video film!


On the second day of the project's closing event, participants visited "Tractor Day 2019" (organic manure spreading and soil cultivation and precision technologies).