GreenAgri conference - presentations
Below are the presentations for the Green Agri conference “Agri-Environmental requirements and efficient management of organic fertilizers in BSR countries” .
CLICK on a presentation to open it.
1. R. Sormus – Environmentally-friendly Management of Organic Fertilizers in Agriculture
2. M. Dzelzkaleja-Burmistre – Manure Management Requirements in Lativa
3. R. Reisner – Restrictions and Requirements for the use of Organic Fertilizers in Estonia
4. S. Rulle – Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Plans
5. V. Jansons – Monitoring of the Environmental Impact of Manure Handling in Animal Farms
6. A. Astover – Nutrientcyclingin Soil – Focus on N (and P) Balances
7. P. Pitk – Sustainable Manure Management from the Biogas Production and Greenhouse Gases Emissions Perspective
8. K. Tamm – Innovative Technologies for Spreading of Manure
9. J. Kazotnieks – Accumulated Experience in Various Projects About Manure Management Practices and Technologies In Latvia
* Latvi Dan Agro – Manure Management