The Farmers' Council is starting the autumn season with a new activity – a project for the development of agritourism.
During the project, we will create a new tourism product – “agritourism”, which in our understanding is an opportunity for professionals and other interested parties to get acquainted with a productive rural enterprise. At the same time, we will popularize agritourism as an additional source of income for productive farms. By involving and preparing farms to receive tourists, we will supplement the range and quantity of tourism objects in the Latvian countryside.
Two major activities will take place in September and October. Farmers will be invited to become one of the open farms, attend seminars and training on how to properly prepare a farm for its opening, as well as consult with specialists and share their experiences.
On October 17, new and existing agritourism farms will be invited to participate in the Countryside Days, during which the farm will be open for viewing to anyone interested. Information about the open farms, planned activities, as well as educational/informational materials can be obtained on the websites ( and
Project period: 10/08/2015 – 31/10/2015
A look back at the seminars: Seminars
Materials from the seminar:
• Tourist reception on productive farms
Presenting a successful farm
How to create a presentation of your farm
More information about the open Countryside Days for travelers: Country Day for Travelers
A look back at Country Days for travelers: Country Day video
A look back at the media trip: Media trip
Tips for opening your farm to visitors:
Instructions for production farms
Updating information in the agritourism farm database   
• Tourist reception on productive farms

How to share your information link for hosts to change remotely themselves:šana
Farms that are already open for viewing:
Logos and posters used in the project:
agro_logo Basic RGB web_banner_LC_small

es_dvikrasainsUntitled  elfla_logo_7e1d7

The project is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Rural Support Service