In April, we met with cooperation partners to discuss the results of the CONSOLE project.

On April 27, an online discussion took place within the framework of the project "Contracting solutions for effective and long-term provision of agri-environmental and climate public goods for EU agriculture and forestry".


As the project has conducted case studies, conducted surveys of landowners and stakeholders, and is developing a contract manual to identify which project outcomes are useful to Latvian stakeholders, we shared the project and its main results so far, as well as sought partners' opinions on the materials developed. The opinions expressed at the seminar have been taken into account when creating the final version of the manual.


A draft of the short guide was distributed before the event, along with information about our goals for feedback. During the event, the full version of the guide was explained and oral feedback was collected.


The event covered all the main types of contracts, briefly explaining them, as well as the fact that they can be combined and varied. Bearing in mind the survey results, which show that there is a strong preference for outcome-based contract solutions among Latvian landowners, the outcome-based contract solution was discussed in more detail, also looking at examples from case studies.


After the event, the presentation and both written documents were circulated for further written feedback. Participants were positive about the tables in the handbook that summarised the elements of different types of contracts, but the steps for drafting contracts did not seem as useful to participants as the rest of the handbook. Of particular interest were the case study descriptions.