Information campaign "CAP - tomorrow starts today"

The Latvian farmers' associations "Council of Farmers' Organisations" (LOSP) and "Farmers' Saeima" (ZSA), in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, have declared an active fight for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2013, which would ensure equal opportunities for Latvian farmers with other EU farmers. Raising awareness of the population about the CAP plays a significant role, therefore, from August 2011 to January 2012, the Council of Farmers' Organisations and the Farmers' Saeima, with the support of the European Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, are jointly organizing the information campaign "CAP - tomorrow begins today".

The campaign is related to the CAP and its role in the future of agriculture and rural development. The campaign includes activities aimed at two target audiences: the general audience (farmers, people involved in agricultural policy-making, etc.) and future farmers (schoolchildren and students). Two groups of activities are planned and implemented within the project:

1. Information campaign for a general audience

Seminars and discussion rounds in five different regions of Latvia.

  • 20.10.2011. Kurzeme – Kuldiga;
  • 27.10.2011. Zemgale – Jelgava;
  • 10.11.2011. Latgale – Preili;
  • 01.12.2011. Vidzeme – Cesis;
  • 08.12.2011. Greater Riga.

Program cycle on Latvian Radio about the CAP and Latvian agriculture

Providing information to the mass media

Closing conference.

2. Information campaign for future farmers:

Preparation, screening and distribution of educational short films on TV.

Organizing informative events for students with the participation of a chef

Organizing a competition for video clips related to the topic "Agriculture in 10 Years".

Information about the event:, as well as at the Farmers' Council office, tel. 67027044

"Information campaign "CAP - tomorrow starts today" on the CAP and its role in the future of agriculture and rural development. The information has been prepared with the financial support of the European Union. The content of this information is the sole responsibility of the associations "Cooperation Council of Farmers' Organizations" and "Farmers' Parliament" and cannot be considered to reflect the opinion of the European Community.

Total project budget: EUR 101,451.00 including European Union grant EUR 50,725.50”