June 28th – Field Day on the use of fungicides in winter wheat crops

LLKC in cooperation with the farm "Tūži" (Kārķi parish, Valka region), the Farmers' Council and the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology invite you to attend the field day "Control of harmful organisms for agricultural plants in various crops through integrated pest management"




Time and place of the event: 28.06.2024. from 11.00 to 14.30, “Dibeņi”, Kārķu parish, Valka municipality, GPS Lat, lon: 57.807639, 25.582480 ; LKS: 594035, 408393


The field day will provide an opportunity to learn about both the demonstration farm and the use of fungicides in winter wheat crops using a decision support system. www.veselsaugs.lv. Information will be provided about the installation and observations of the demonstration “Control of pests of agricultural crops in integrated plant protection in various crops”, as well as about the results and conclusions of 2023. There will be an opportunity to listen to a lecture by Aigars Šutka, agronomist-consultant of SIA “AKPC”, on characteristic winter wheat diseases. The owners of the farm “Tūži” will present the capabilities and application of the agrodrone on the farm.


Apply by 26.06.2024 here: https://forms.gle/zaxDPXzpJXvkmhkUA


Additional information: email:  Ilona.krumina@llkc.lv, tel. 29341748 (Ilona Krūmiņa)