Conference 27.09.2012. Riga “Success and experience of two agri-environmental measures – Buffer zones and receiver plants/cover crops in different Baltic Sea countries”
Pasākuma prezentācijas:
1. The Efficiency of Buffer Zones under Different Cultivation Techniques in Boreal Conditions
2. Undersowing or sowing after harvest – possibilities and reality of cover crops in Finland
3. Catch crops and buffer zones in Denmark. Legislation, proven effect, consequences and costs
4. Pētījumu rezultāti par uztvērējaugiem Latvijā
5. Lauka malu apsaimniekošanas paņēmienu un rugāju lauka ziemas periodā demonstrējumu rezultāti un pieredze
6. Estimating the cost efficiency of catch crops and buffer strips with the FyrisCOST model
7. Overview of catch crops in Sweden
8. Overview of buffer zones in Sweden