Municipalities will be involved in reducing damage caused by wild game animals
Today, May 26, the government approved the new procedure for determining the amount of material damage prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture for damage caused to forestry and agriculture by wild game animals, as well as the composition, rights and obligations of hunting coordination commissions formed by municipalities. In order to reduce damage and losses to game animals, municipalities are obliged to form hunting coordination commissions and conduct an assessment of damage caused by wild game animals. The aforementioned obligations of municipalities are determined by changes to the Hunting Law, which entered into force on January 1, 2014.
In order to promptly assess and make a decision on the necessary measures to prevent damage caused by wild game animals, based on the amendments to the Hunting Law, a local government has been obliged to form a hunting coordination commission and determine binding, general and repeatedly applicable actions to be taken to reduce the threat of damage to wild game animals. The new provisions provide for the composition, rights and obligations of the hunting coordination commission, as well as the procedure for determining measures to limit or eliminate damage and its consequences.
It is expected that the involvement of local governments will be an effective means of solving the problems of damage caused by wild game animals, taking into account that they are able to more objectively navigate the specifics and nuances of each specific territory.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture