NENUPHAR project launch activities
At the end of November, together with colleagues from the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology (LBTU), we went to Zaragoza, Spain, to meet with all the partners involved in the project, discuss the achievements of the NENUPHAR project, and learn about Spanish pig manure processing techniques.
Considering that the project will implement a number of activities and will last more than three years, the kick-off meeting will be held in person. The event was organized by the Project Lead Partner – CIRCE Foundation – Energy Resources and Consumption Research Center. On the first day of the event, all the time was devoted to an overview of the project activities. At the beginning, each of the project work package leaders presented the work plan and the work plan to be accomplished within their framework, as well as answered questions or initiated discussions about what was to be accomplished. Among them, representatives of the Farmers' Parliament also spoke about the content of the 5th work package. Within its framework, demonstrations will be carried out in three different regions – geographically different river basins: the Ebro River Basin (Spain), the Lielupe River Basin (Latvia-Lithuania) and the Danube River Basin (Hungary-Slovakia). This is the most practical part of the project, during which the previously studied measures will be implemented and the results of their implementation will be evaluated.
Afterwards, the leaders of each demonstration presented in more detail the demonstrations to be carried out in the Lielupe River basin, which includes part of Latvia and part of Lithuania. During these demonstrations, sewage sludge will be composted and incorporated into agricultural land. This part of the event sparked discussions about various restrictions related to composting and incorporating sewage sludge into the soil, as well as possible solutions.
The second day of the event was divided into two parts – the first discussed project management issues, and the second visited a pig manure processing plant. There, pig manure is brought from various farmers in the region and various other products are added to it, such as meat processing by-products. The manure is then treated with special technology to make it less harmful to the environment. This process is expected to be significantly improved during the project, creating a new approach and methodology. As a result, an innovative ammonia removal method will be fully developed and nutrient recovery will be tested.
PRESENTATION : Union "Farmers' Parliament"
PRESENTATION : Analysis of novel value chains opportunities
PRESENTATION : Sewage sludge management in Latvia-Lithuania: Lielupe river basin demo sites