New board of the Farmers' Assembly elected

On March 6, the congress of the association “Zemnieku saeima” was held at the Cultural Center “Ulbrokas Pērle”, where the elections of the board and its chairman also took place. Juris Lazdiņš was re-elected as the chairman of the association’s board.

ZSA Board Chairman Juris Lazdiņš: “Last year, we have worked hard to promote stable and sustainable growth of the agricultural sector, while taking care of local farmers and their interests both in Latvia and Europe. I would like to emphasize that the turnover of all our members last year reached more than 1 billion euros. There is strength in Latvian farmers, we are not detached from the overall Latvian policy, and agriculture is and will be a strategically important sector. Thank you to the members for re-election to the position of Board Chairman and for your trust over the past 17 years!”

We congratulate the board members – Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistra (ZS “Vilciņi-1”), Mārtiņš Tronas (SIA “Reits”), Ieva Alpa-Eizenbergas (ZS “Robežnieki”), Elīza Ilze Malceniece (ZS “Bračas”), Reinis Lazdānas (ZS “Lazdiņi”), Mārtiņš Valkos (AS “Pampāļi”), Kaspars Antīpinas (SIA “Lielvircava Agro”) and Uldis Ķirsis (SIA “Rāvas”)!