October 17th in Barkava – Field Day on the comparison of different intercrop mixtures

LLKC in cooperation with the farm "Briežkalni" (Ošupe parish, Madona region), the Farmers' Council and the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology invite you to attend the field day "Comparison of different intercrop mixtures".

Seminar time and venue: October 17 at 10:00,  start at the structural unit of Jēkabpils Agrobusiness College in Barkava, Dzirnavu Street 1, Barkava parish, Madona municipality.



In the theoretical part, there will be an opportunity to learn about the importance of legumes included in intercrop mixtures in improving soil biological processes and the progress of setting up the demonstration. In the practical part, we will visit the demonstration field of the farm “Briežkalni” in Ošupe parish. During the field day, there will be an opportunity to learn about the demonstration farm, experience in intercrop cultivation, and the first demonstration results. In the demonstration field, there will be an opportunity to evaluate the demonstration variants of intercrop mixtures and their development.


Application and additional information:email: alise.lutinska@llkc.lv; tel. 29846958 (Alise Lutinska).


The demonstration was organized within the framework of the RDP 2014-2020 sub-measure “Support for demonstration activities and information activities”, LAD contract No. 10 2.1-20/22/P29. The topic of the demonstration was “Cultivation of various intercrop mixtures, impact on soil fertility and post-crop yield in various regions of Latvia” (lot 14).


Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Rural Support Service