October 18th in Saldus – Field Day on Comparison of Intercrop Mixtures

LLKC in cooperation with the z/s “Grāveļi” (Zirņu parish, Saldus municipality), the Farmers' Council and the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology invite you to attend the field day “Comparison of Different Intercrop Mixtures”.


Seminar time and venue: October 18 at 10:00 theoretical part at the LLKC Saldus consultation office, Viesnāls iela 1 (in the 3rd floor hall). Then we will visit the demonstration field of the farm z/s “Grāveļi” in Zirņu parish. During the field day, there will be an opportunity to learn about the demonstration farm, the progress of the demonstration and observations, conclusions, as well as what is the experience of intercropping and the recommendations of the owner Ainārs Piļeckis (z/s “Dzintari''). The demonstration field will provide an opportunity to evaluate the demonstration variants of intercropping mixtures and their development.




Login until 17.10.2024. https://forms.gle/xvR5mQWoKbj3T78F9


Additional information: email: karina.denisova@llkc.lv; tel. 29900405 (Karīna Deņisova).


The demonstration was organized within the framework of the RDP 2014-2020 sub-measure “Support for demonstration activities and information activities”, LAD contract No. 10 2.1-20/22/P29. The topic of the demonstration was “Cultivation of various intercrop mixtures, impact on soil fertility and post-crop yield in various regions of Latvia” (lot 14).


Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Rural Support Service