Final seminar of the LIVERUR project on October 20 in Rožmalai

At the end of the LIVERUR project, the Farmers' Saeima organized a closing seminar - a discussion event in Rožmalai, Bauska region. Purpose of the event The main purpose of the event was to raise awareness and stimulate discussions about the tools developed in the LIVERUR project and to find out how to promote cooperation between stakeholders. This would ensure sustainability and further development of innovations in agriculture, horticulture and continuous rural development.


During the seminar, those present were introduced to the progress of the project implementation and the activities carried out, the developed and tested business development promoting models. The online training and cooperation opportunities developed in the project were also presented, as well as a brief explanation of the practical use of the LIVERUR RAIN business model. The informative part of the event was followed by discussions “Cooperation opportunities in the field of innovation and agricultural production” and “Cooperation network – how to ensure operations in Latvia?”, the aim of which was to clarify the opinions of the parties involved on the possibilities of further cooperation. The event was concluded by a tour of the Recreation Complex “ROŽMALAS”, which included a conversation about cooperation, traditions and culture.


The LIVERUR project The project pays significant attention to stakeholder engagement, representation of different sectors and opinions, thus it is a platform for negotiations and exchange of views between representatives of different opinions and interests, balancing natural, economic and social aspects. During various events, cooperation between the parties involved was strengthened and experience and knowledge were exchanged.


Regional Circulation Live Practice Labs Business Model Platform or RAIN Platform (Regional circular living lab business model – RAIN) is a business-oriented, practical information and communication technology tool. The main objective of the platform is to provide reliable resources for the development and improvement of rural entrepreneurship by implementing circular economy solutions for product and service supply chains. The platform is intended to act as a link between entrepreneurs, stakeholders and policymakers to improve existing business models and exchange ideas, recommendations and experiences related to living practice labs and the circular economy.


Using the RAIN platform, policymakers will have the opportunity to collaborate with entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs and stakeholders from different countries. This will promote a common understanding of problems, regulatory frameworks, new markets and services, provide an opportunity to offer new ideas, proposals and share experiences, as well as promote the integration of ideas from different stakeholders and stakeholders and inform about opportunities created by local or regional strategies.


However, the platform is primarily intended for rural entrepreneurs to provide multilateral cooperation opportunities and promote the use of recyclable materials. The use of the platform will provide opportunities for rural entrepreneurs to influence the market, observe, use in business or share data on material flows and waste, prepare and use a circular economy roadmap, establish cooperation between businesses to maximize the use of resources, as well as outline measures to be taken in the field of circular economy.


During the discussions at the closing event, participants expressed their hopes for successful future cooperation and concluded that the basis for the development of cooperation is regular exchange of experience - in order to motivate others to cooperate, it is necessary to inform interested parties about successful cooperation experiences and the benefits gained. In addition, it should be noted that the parties involved should regularly inform each other about various opportunities to cooperate and introduce innovations in rural entrepreneurship, use the RAIN platform, as well as support each other and exchange new ideas.