Waterdrive project seminar in Jēkabnieki

On July 2, a WATERDRIVE project seminar took place at the Jēkabnieki Culture House. Project representatives presented water management practices in agriculture to farmers in the Jelgava region, in which nutrient runoff from agricultural lands would be reduced by creating artificial wetlands and introducing new management principles to improve the condition of drainage systems.

During the seminar, Iveta Grudovska, an expert from the association “Zemnieku saeima”, Ainis Lagzdiņš, professor at the Faculty of Environmental and Civil Sciences of the Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU), Linda Grīnberga, head of the laboratory at the Department of Environment and Water Management of the LLU, and Ingars Rozītis, a land reclamation inspector at the Infrastructure and Economic Security Department of the Jelgava Region Property Board, presented the goals and target audience of the WATERDRIVE project, the potential opportunity for local governments, landowners and land managers to cooperate, as well as the pilot areas of the project and expected results. The next meeting, when possible solutions at the Kaņņu stream and Svēte will be discussed in more detail, is planned for September.

The association “Farmers' Council” was represented by Iveta Grudovska, Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistre, Sandis Liepa and Zanda Melnalksne.