Research results on the use of plant protection products | 08.03.2024 |

To learn about what research has been conducted to reduce the impact of the use of plant protection products on the environment and develop a sustainable plant protection system, on March 8, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Center organized an online seminar "Research Results on the Use of Plant Protection Products".


Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology Laura Ozoliņa-Pole, a researcher at the Scientific Institute of Plant Protection “Agrihorts” and leading researcher Dr. agr. Jānis Gailis presented the study “Evaluation and determination of the most effective control methods for current legume pests and identification of factors affecting the viability of pollinators most important for agriculture”. The aim of the study is to determine the most effective control times and active substances for the bean weevil and to determine the economic threshold of harmfulness of the bean weevil and monitoring methods.


Viktorija Zagorska, Director and Lead Researcher of the Plant Protection Scientific Institute “Agrihorts” of the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology, presented the study “"In-depth study of priority areas identified in the field of plant protection, promoting a better understanding of the safe and responsible use of plant protection products", the aim of which is to determine the composition and amount of plant protection product residues in plants, soil, field edges and water.


Regina Rancāne, researcher and leading researcher at the Plant Protection Scientific Institute “Agrihorts” of the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technology Yevgeny Nechayev presented the seminar participants with the study “"Sustainable plant protection system – analysis of the current situation, challenges and future solutions". Regina Rancane introduced with research on  fungicide and growth regulator efficacy trials, the aim of which was to find an optimal option for the use of plant protection products with less impact on the environment (load index), while maintaining the volume and quality of the harvest, and the relationship with nitrogen fertilizer doses. Jevgenija Nechaeva presented herbicide efficacy trials with the aim of finding an optimal option for the use of plant protection products (herbicide combination) with less impact on the environment, while maintaining the volume and quality of the harvest.