Visit the exhibition RĀMAVĀ! April 14 – ZSA presentation and discussion series

We invite you to visit the exhibition SPRING 2023, which will take place for three days – from April 13 to 15, at the Business Center RAMAVA. Pasākuma ietvaros, 14. aprīlī, 14:00-16:00 ZSA piedalīsies prezentāciju un diskusiju ciklā “Lauksaimniecības politika – ko sola tuvā un tālā nākotnē?”, kurā Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistre runās par agrovides pasākumiem un to, kā saimniekiem veicas ar to ieviešanu un kādas izmaiņas gaidāmas rudenī, savukārt ZSA politikas eksperts Valters Zelčs stāstīs par plānošanas perioda aktualitātēm. Turpinājumā notiks diskusija par mājasdarbiem, kuriem jāgatavojas uz jauno plānošanas periodu. Diskusijā ar viedokļiem apmainīsies ZSA, Zemkopības ministrijas un pētniecības pārstāvji.


The exhibition will bring together thousands of professionals and interested parties in the fields of crop production, animal husbandry, horticulture, construction and infrastructure improvement.


Everything current in one place – find out and choose:

  • Evaluate and select technologies, tractor equipment, and implements for more productive work and farming.
  • Exchange experiences, consult with industry experts, and find new ideas for developing your business.
  • Choose building and energy efficiency improvement solutions.
  • Learn about education and continuing education opportunities at educational institution stands.
  • Consult with representatives of industry institutions – LAD, VAAD, LLKC, VTUA, VMD, etc.
  • Gather inspiration for the season and relax – visit sawmill demonstrations, mini-exhibitions of breed rabbits and cattle, a plant and home-made products market, and meet other industry participants face to face.


AGRICULTURAL FORUM 2023 – gain valuable insights from presentations and discussions:

  • Learn about industry news, development trends and forecasts, expand your knowledge, meet industry experts and ask questions you are interested in. The forum will take place all three days, in the hall, Hall B (stage) and on Saturday in parallel in the Seminar Hall. Please see the forum program here –


For more information about exhibitors, equipment, technologies and services that will be presented at the exhibition, see the website of the Business Center RĀMAVA. (in the "Exhibitions" section), as well as on social networks


Exhibition opening hours – April 13-15 (Thursday-Saturday), 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

The grand opening of the exhibition and speeches will be held on Thursday, April 13, at 11:00 a.m. (in the hall, Hall B).


See you later. IN THE FRAME from April 13 to 15!