We signed memoranda with leading political parties on post-election cooperation

The association "Farmers' Council" has signed memorandums of cooperation with the political parties "Unity", the National Alliance "All for Latvia!" - "For the Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK", "Harmony", "From the Heart for Latvia", "Unified Latvia" and "For the Development of Latvia" before the 12th Saeima elections. Today, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the party "Union of Greens and Farmers". The memorandums have been signed to strengthen cooperation in promoting agriculture and rural development in Latvia after the Saeima elections.

Juris Lazdins, Chairman of the Association "Farmers' Council": "I invite every farmer, regardless of their political beliefs, to go out on Saturday and vote for those political forces that are ready to represent the interests of farmers. I invite you to vote for those parliamentary candidates who have proven through their work that they understand agriculture. The more such people there are in parliament and government, the easier it will be for all of us to work in the future."

"In the signed memorandums of cooperation with political parties, we have included the most important tasks for the development of Latvian agriculture and rural areas. We will cooperate with the parties that will be elected to the Saeima on Saturday in creating a favorable environment for farmers, and we will also carefully monitor the implementation of the concluded memorandums for the next four years."

The memorandums provide steps to promote agricultural and rural development in Latvia, providing competitive support for sectors, promoting job creation in rural areas and creating added value on Latvia's main resource - land. The agreement also provides for attraction to rural areas and rural infrastructure through regional development programs. The political parties that have signed the memorandums also undertake to promote the achievement of the goal set in the National Development Plan - to produce products on at least 2 million hectares of agricultural land by 2020, as well as to maintain Latvia's agricultural land in the hands of local agricultural producers. The agreement provides for the further development of farmer cooperation, the improvement of the agricultural and vocational education system in the country, with the aim of providing young people in various regions of Latvia with competitive educational opportunities, gradually equalizing the differences in living conditions between rural and urban areas, as well as taking steps to further improve the export capacity of the agricultural sector.

The memoranda can be viewed on the association's website: http://zemniekusaeima.lv/zemnieku-saeima-paraksta-sadarbibas-memorandus-ar-politiskajam-partijam-pirms-12-saeimas-velesanam/