The implementation of the Hunting Process Management Tool Development Project continues

A digital driven hunting management module is currently being developed within the framework of the project “Development of a digital tool for the management of the hunting process and information flow, improving public health and safety”. It is intended as part of a digital tool that will include not only driven hunting, but also individual hunting management and information flow modules.


During the development of the hunting module, the Project Working Group meets and agrees on the most successful possible solutions that would be convenient for users - hunters, taking into account the needs of foresters and farmers. The hunting module will include the functions of the hunting rights user (MTL) group manager, hunting planning, hunting number generation and linking to the recorded item, starting hunting, creating hunting reports and other functions.


Currently, the functions of the group leader and the possibilities for distributing licenses in collective agreements are being developed, as well as the creation of a database structure for planning driven hunts.


In the future, the driven hunting module will be supplemented, guided by the developed plan and design.


The project is implemented within the framework of the State and European Union support measure “Cooperation” under sub-measure 16.1 “Support for the implementation of projects of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability working groups on agricultural productivity and sustainability”.


Project No. 22-00-A01612-000012

Project implementation period: July 1, 2022 – March 31, 2025

Total project budget: 449,999.94 EUR