The Latvian Land Fund will begin operations on July 1st.
On Thursday, June 18, ZSA representative Mārtiņš Trons participated in a roundtable discussion with representatives of the Latvian Land Fund about cooperation, rules and processes.
The institution's goal will be to promote the preservation of agricultural land in Latvia and the sustainable use of these areas for agricultural production purposes in the amount of no less than 2 million hectares, involving approximately 0.4 million hectares of agricultural land that has not been actively used so far in active agricultural production.
The operation of the Land Fund is regulated by law. On land privatization in rural areas and Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the Procedure for the Land Fund to Conduct Transactions with Agricultural Land. The Land Fund of Latvia consists of accumulated agricultural land that is leased, sold or exchanged. The Land Fund will purchase properties from current owners who are no longer able or for some other reason cannot or do not want to continue using the agricultural land for agricultural purposes themselves, and who themselves express a desire to sell the property to the Land Fund.
Management services will be purchased for unleased and unsold properties - including mowing and shrub removal - with the aim of maintaining agricultural land in good order, cleaning up agricultural land and returning it to agricultural use.
The terms of lease and sale will be available in July, as they are still in the approval process.
Information about land available for sale, as well as the sale of land already owned will be available ALTUM on the website.