The US market opens new export opportunities for Latvian farmers

Referring to an interview with the national news agency LETA Latvian Ambassador to the United States Andris Razāns Regarding the entry of Latvian agricultural products into the US market, the association "Zemnieku saeima" believes that such an expert is necessary for Latvia. The Latvian agricultural and food sector is export-capable, therefore it is very important to find stable and reliable product outlets.

The US market is very large and diverse, and it is possible to find consumers there who are attracted to Latvian food products produced to higher standards than in the US. Considering the rapid development of organic farming in Latvia, the US market is potentially interesting, as consumers have the purchasing power to buy these products. Entering the US market will largely depend on how strong and knowledgeable experts will lead this process.

"Latvia currently does not have any large brands that can try to find a market in the US, but many relatively small companies with products that could interest US consumers. In order for the aforementioned manufacturers to be able to enter this market, it is important to ensure high-quality communication - an expert who would provide informative and regular support to Latvian manufacturers. Investing public investment in hiring a knowledgeable and experienced sales specialist in the US would definitely pay off."This is what Maira Dzelzkalēja, Deputy Chairwoman of the Latvian Farmers' Association, says about the export opportunities for Latvian farmers to the US.