Tiešsaistes pasākums par lauksaimniecības inovācijām
3. decembrī notika EIT Food Hub Latvia un EIT Food Hub Lithuania tiešsaistes pasākums: Neighbours chat: Innovation in Agriculture in Latvia & Lithuania. Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistre tiešsaistes diskusijā prezentēja projekta “SmartAgriHubs” eksperimentu par gruntsūdeņiem un meteo sensoriem.
Entrepreneurs and farmers from both countries also participated in the event with presentations on innovative solutions in agriculture: Gatis Bērziņš (AgroPlatforma), Robertas Kupstas (Pure Harvest Farms), Robertas Katinas (Baltic Freya). At the end of the event, a discussion took place, and the audience also had the opportunity to ask questions.
Video recording of the event: www.facebook.com/StartupSpace/videos/690481458507659