VIDEO! A series of presentations and discussions on land reclamation by the Latvian Agricultural Society took place at the Rāmava autumn exhibition
On September 27, as part of the Rāmava autumn exhibition “BILTIM TEHNIKA 2024”, the Farmers' Assembly presentation and discussion cycle “Land reclamation yesterday, today and tomorrow – the main challenges in Latvia!” took place. What happens when existing systems cannot cope with water drainage? How do the ZMNĪ and LVM manage land reclamation systems? What future do European policies predict for land reclamation systems? How to balance the drainage of excess water, water shortages during drought periods and environmental challenges? What are the future plans and intentions in the field of land reclamation, and we also talked about the lessons learned in the “LIFE GoodWater IP” project.
Thanks to the discussion participants Māris Muižnieks, Kaspars Kristiņš, Valdemārs Dambekalns, Ilze Ozola and Iveta Grudovska! The discussion was moderated by Mārtiņš Trons.