We continue to inform farmers in the regions at autumn seminars
In cooperation with the State Rural Network, the association “Farmers' Council” organizes and invites farmers to annual autumn information seminars “Current affairs in the agricultural sector in 2014-2015” in the regions: on October 28 in Dobele, at the Dobele City Culture House, Baznīcas Street 6 and on October 31 in Grobiņa, at the Grobiņa Culture House “Robežnieki”, Liepu Street 1A. The seminars start at 10:00.
Continuing the autumn seminars of the "Farmers' Council" in the regions on current issues in agriculture that are important to farmers, farmers are invited to 2 more seminars in the regions at the end of October and the beginning of November this year. This time, the organization's management will inform about support payments to farmers (direct payments, greening and state support), planned support measures in agricultural enterprises, as well as current changes in legislation (Protection Zones Law, Hunting Law, Construction Law, etc.).
The seminars will explain the changes to the Construction Law, which came into effect on October 1st of this year and which will directly affect farmers who are planning construction or reconstruction work on their farms.
The leadership of the association "Farmers' Council" will participate in the seminars.
To participate in the seminar in Dobele, please apply in advance to Ilga Šteinmane, rural development consultant of the Dobele branch of the Latvian Rural Consulting and Education Center, by phone: 27878487 or by writing to: ilga.steinmane@llkc.lv.
To participate in the seminar in Grobiņa, please apply in advance to the administrator of the office of the association "Zemnieku saeima" Dace Freimute by phone 67027044 or by writing to: office@zemniekusaeima.lv
The organization of the seminar is supported by the State Rural Network.