We invite you to the regional ZSA seminars! The first ones are already on February 5th and 6th!
Visit one of Farmers' councils regional seminars! We will talk about the mission of the Farmers' Assembly, planned work, what was achieved in last year's protests, amendments to the direct payment regulations, modernization and other current events in agriculture. You will be able to ask questions of interest to the representatives of the ZSA management and experts!
The first seminars are this Wednesday and Thursday:
- February 5, 2:00 PM, Valmiera, Kocēni Culture House, Valmiera region; (Juris Lazdins, Martins Trons, Valters Zelcs will participate from the Latvian Academy of Sciences)
- February 6, 10:00, Rezekne, guest house “Zaļā sala”, Rēzekne region; (Juris Lazdins and Martins Trons will participate from the Latvian Academy of Sciences)
- February 6, 3:00 PM, Jekabpils, Spunģēni People's House, Jēkabpils region. (Juris Lazdins, Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistre, Mārtiņš Trons will participate from the ZSA)
Remember!!! If you have applied for agri-environmental programs (green belts, welfare, etc.), then you must acquire a certain number of hours for qualification development by the end of 2027. Attending these regional ZSA seminars will provide 3 hours of learning.
Register for the seminars here – https://forms.gle/qxAJR1xkZpdYHnDt8
Additional questions when writing to Mārtiņš Tronas: martins.trons@zemniekusaeima.lv or by phone 29805456.