We invite you to attend events and enjoy rural delicacies!

Farmers are offering various events in honor of the autumn season, which we invite you to attend!
Culinary tourism is an industry developed by many Latvian farmers. To strengthen this additional activity as a separate industry and at the same time help consumers see the unique and delicious products produced in the Latvian countryside, the Farmers' Council has joined the culinary tourism project BASCIL, INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme.

  • On Friday, September 27, the Provinces Produkti cooperative invites you to the Saldus evening market (from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM), where you can meet producer Iluta Straģi with organic sheep's milk and cheese products, as well as cow's milk products from the Krišjāņi dairy farm. You will be able to taste and purchase both fresh and hard sheep's cheeses and unsweetened yogurt, as well as various cow's cheeses. https://www.pienaaitasbio.lv/
  • On Friday evenings in September, the cooperative "Provinces Produkti" invites you to the Saldus evening market, where it will be possible to purchase the products of all cooperative members, as well as meet the producers of individual products. https://provincesprodukti.lv/veikals/