"Ieva's Cheese" is presented in Slovenia as part of the Farmers' Assembly project

“Ievas cheese” with amoline produced by the “Vecsiljāņi” farm has been selected as a special product of Latvian family farm home production, which will be presented today in Slovenia, within the framework of the international project Producer Learning Platform (Elma –tp) at the international conference “Agricultural Food Products: Challenges and Opportunities”. The project aims to promote the export of high-quality home-produced products.


Ieva Midega, cheese master at the “Vecsiljāņi” cheese factory, admits: "We are pleased to hear that our cheese will be presented in Slovenia, as each such opportunity increases the opportunity to export products made in Latvia. So far, "Ievas sier" has been introduced to the Baltic states, but we hope to expand the market over time, and this is a great opportunity to take the first steps towards cooperation in other countries as well."


The first part of the conference will feature presentations on the importance of quality, customer perception of a protected or patented product, and attendees will be introduced to a practical example of a company product – From the initial idea to a reputable brand.. In the second part of the conference, partners from Slovenia, Turkey, Italy, Greece and Latvia will present their homegrown products.


The conference is taking place within the framework of the project “Producers' Training Platform” (Elma – tp) of the association “Zemnieku saeima” (Farmers' Council) project no. 2013 – 1 – TR1 – LEO05 – 47598, which is co-financed by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.