CONSOLE – Contracting solutions for effective and long-term delivery of agri-environmental and climate public goods for EU agriculture and forestry.
The CONSOLE project focuses on facilitating the delivery of agricultural and forestry, agri-environmental and climate public goods (AECPGs) by improving contractual arrangements (i.e. the relationship between public administration at different levels and farmers).
However, this is not an easy task, as delivering public goods is associated with major challenges, such as trade-offs between ecological performance and farm profitability, time lags between action and impact, and potential mismatches between the scale of actions and consequences.
The project plans to develop an operational contractual framework that would serve to develop improved and new contracts, supplemented with solutions adapted to local conditions, to facilitate policy-making, stakeholder interaction, and stimulate the adoption of contracts.
To create awareness of the acceptability and ease of implementation of innovative contractual solutions by conducting surveys involving a wide range of farmers, rural landowners and other key contractual stakeholders in 12 EU Member States.
The lead partner of the project is the ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna.
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