Cooperation: feed production for pig farming

The association "Farmers' Council" together with other cooperation partners begins participation in the project
“New technologies and economically viable solutions for local feed production for pig farming: cultivation of non-genetically modified soybeans and new fodder barley varieties in Latvia”
Project No. 18-00-A01612-000015
The project is implemented under sub-measure 16.12 of measure 16. "Cooperation" of the Latvian Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020:
"Support for the implementation of the EIP Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability Working Group project"
Project objective: By involving a wide range of interdisciplinary experts, find new solutions to promote the ability of agricultural enterprises to grow local feed raw materials more efficiently, with a main emphasis on improving soybean and barley growing technologies. To be able to replace imported, including synthetic feed raw materials, with products of local origin, and to find more efficient feed production solutions for the competitiveness of the pig farming sector. The solutions will be based on both experimental experience and economic analysis.
The results to be achieved in the project, namely, farmers will be offered:
1) soybean cultivation technologies tested and economically evaluated in various regions of Latvia, including recommendations for the selection of soybean varieties and the most suitable agricultural techniques for conventional and organic farming;
2) new local barley varieties, including hairy varieties, and economically evaluated technological solutions for their cultivation for targeted production of fodder grains;
3) recommendations for processing local soy using extrusion and knowledge about including the resulting soy meal in pig nutrition according to age and physiological condition;
4) knowledge base for crop sector farms – economic arguments on the comparative economic results of the production of feed raw materials (including soy, feed barley, etc.) for the development of farm production strategies.
Project EIP working group:
Lead partner – Institute of Agroresources and Economics
Latvia University of Agriculture
Farm "Rubuļi" of Zaņa parish, Saldus district
Vārve parish farm “Stepnieki-II”
Grundzāle parish farm “Jaunkalējiņi”
Zirņu parish farm “Bebri”
SIA “BioGus”
Ltd. “Latgale Agricultural Science Center”
SIA “LRS Musa”
EDO Consult Ltd.
SIA “Kwiesu Putni”
Association "Farmers' Parliament"
Cooperative Society "Latvian Pig Breeders Association"
Project implementation period February 1, 2018 – July 31, 2021

Follow the project activities on our website as well as on the website of the lead partner AREI. on the website.
More information about the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is available on the European Commission's website.
