European Social Fund project “Knowledge, skills and cooperation – the key to new projects”

Project duration: 07.2006 – 11.2006
The goal of the project is to promote the active participation of non-governmental sector organizations in the processes of national development and socio-economic growth, by successfully using project preparation and implementation, as well as the development of project applications, as a working tool.

Within the framework of the project, 30 representatives from 10 NGOs were educated on project preparation and implementation, as well as the development of project applications in order to successfully attract and effectively use EU funding. The project represented organizations from 10 regions of Latvia. The training included a theoretical and practical section with the task of developing ready-made projects at the end of the training, which, after refinement, the training participants used to attract EU funding.
At the end of the project, an Information Exchange was organized, where various non-governmental organizations presented their experience in the technical aspects of project preparation and implementation. Representatives of funding institutions also participated, receiving feedback on the project implementation process and its monitoring.
Project financier – European Union through the European Social Fund EUR 26,644 (EUR 751.3 million of total expenditure)
Latvian state budget 8881 EUR (25% of total expenditures)
Total project cost 35,525 EUR
