LIVET: Livestock and the “One Health” approach


Name: Livestock farming and One Health approach: Towards a multidisciplinary VET framework for technicians (LIVET)

Source of funding: ERASMUS+

Total funding: EUR 1,495,939 / EUR 135,537 ZSA funding

Implementation time: 01.07.2023-30.06.2026 (3 years)

Coordinator: University of Perugia (Italy)

Partners: 16 partners from 6 countries: Italy, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania.

Project description: One Health is an approach that aims to join forces to combat public health threats posed by the interactions between animals, humans and the environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated the link between animal and human health in the emergence of infectious diseases. Although not all zoonoses (diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans) are caused by pandemics, the majority of pandemics have a zoonotic origin. The One Health approach is recognized as essential in human and animal health policy-making and is relevant in scientific research, however, it is not sufficiently integrated into agricultural and veterinary education. To overcome this gap, LIVET aims to develop and test an innovative study program at EQF level 5 for veterinary medicine specialists, focused on the management and practical application of One Health principles in the livestock sector. The project will develop an xMOOC course at EQF level 5 on the implementation of the One Health approach in the livestock sector; three specialization courses at EQF level 5 on animal welfare, zoonoses, and antimicrobial use and resistance; an Autumn School on the ''One Health'' approach will be organized, as well as an opportunity to engage in work-based learning for 60 learners. The project will also develop a new qualification profile for a ''One Health'' consultant and a vocational education study program related to this profile. The target groups of the project are graduates of agricultural vocational education institutions, undergraduate students of agricultural or veterinary studies, consultants and zootechnicians of livestock farms.

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