“Promoting the marketing of local and regional products” (ProudFarmer)
We have launched an international project to promote the trade of products produced by local farmers.
The main objective of the project is to promote the sustainable development of rural areas by improving the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and lifelong learning.
Project task is to transfer knowledge and develop methodological training tools in marketing to ensure the promotion and marketing of local and regional products, promoting the involvement of various parties.
Expected project results: methodological training tools in marketing have been developed (vocational and lifelong learning program, teaching aid, workbook and online learning tool) and trainers have been trained in all project partner countries, who will further teach farmers, entrepreneurs, students of educational institutions how to market agricultural niche products and products with local or regional identity. By involving various parties, the quality and attractiveness of vocational and lifelong learning has been improved.
Six partners are involved in the project from Latvia, France, Slovenia, Romania and Italy.
Project target groups are lecturers and consultants in lifelong learning and vocational education institutions, farmers and rural entrepreneurs, students of educational institutions, and state institutions.
Project results and all materials will be available In the ProudFarmer section of the "Farmers' Council" website, which will serve as a source of practical information and knowledge for all interested parties, especially rural entrepreneurs.
Project number 2008-1-LV1-LEO05-00131, project amount EUR 286,122, of which the grant amount is EUR 214,590.
Project duration 10.2008. – 09.2010
Final conference presentations:
Karel Charvat, Czech Republic – FutureFarm vision, Social Media
Maija Sirvide, Latvia – Piloting_Proud Farmer_MS
Italy – ExploitationMTTM_Final Conference_CONFAO
Livija Zarina, Latvia – Case Staudy Trikatas KS
Inga Berzina, Latvia – Final_conference_General
Inga Berzina, Latvia – Final_conference_MTTM
Slovenia – Final_Conference_SI
France – Final_ Conference_FR
Italy – Final Conference_IT
Trikata cheese, Latvia – Trikata KS presentation
Maija Sirvide, Latvia – Final_conference_Discussion
More information about the project – here (EN)
