Protection and conservation of arable land and grassland biodiversity in Estonia and Latvia


Project name:

Protecting and preserving biodiversity in arable and grasslands in Estonia and Latvia

Project ID and abbreviation:

EE-LV00132 – FARM Biodiversity

Total project budget:

1,083,966.25 EUR

Implementation time:

01.09.2024 – 31.10.2027

Project description:

The EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aims to improve the diversity of species, habitats and landscape features found in EU farmland ecosystems. CAP interventions have long been geared towards sustainable agriculture and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural fields. The agricultural sector, and in particular farmers, have been given new challenging objectives and responsibilities in terms of biodiversity conservation. Current information on agrobiodiversity is fragmented. A broader understanding of biodiversity aspects, together with the implementation of practical measures, is not effectively communicated to farmers.

Farmers themselves feel overwhelmed and confused by the large number of new regulations. At the local farm level, it is difficult to understand how the same measures actually improve farmers' profitability while improving the quality of habitats for native species. Therefore, in order to promote biodiversity aspects related to agriculture, project activities are essential to educate farmers, exchange knowledge and test best practices that are specifically applicable in the programme region.


– develop and test 2 practical solutions that promote biodiversity in arable lands and grasslands that are applicable and relevant to the Est-Lat programme area

– promote knowledge exchange and further implementation of agricultural biodiversity aspects among approximately 50-70 farmers, sharing best practices and measures applicable to both crop production and livestock sectors.

Specific objective:

Improve the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution.


5 partners from 2 countries: Latvia and Estonia
