Swedish-Latvian joint project “Sustainable Agricultural and Industrial Development Opportunities in the Baltics” (DOSAIB)

[b]Project duration:[/b] 09.2002. – 03.2004.

The project aims to introduce sustainable Swedish technologies and knowledge in the Baltics. As part of the project, 14 Swedish companies presented Swedish technologies to farmers in the Baltic States in 36 seminars.
Project partners – Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI), Farmers' Council, Tallinn University of Technology and Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service.
The following Swedish companies participated in the knowledge transfer in Latvia – Abetong AB, DeLaval, Svearken, Alo AB, Vaderstad AB, Overums Bruks AB, BFSC, Perstorp, WINLIN, Akron maskiner, Tornum, Lackeby Water AB, SWECO, Swedebank.
The project was partly financed by NUTEK – the Swedish Business Development Agency, as well as by the Swedish companies involved in the project. Funding amount: 19,806 EUR
