On February 20-22, 2017, a meeting of the partners of the Baltic Slurry Acidification project was held, organized by the Estonian Institute of Plant Production (Saku, Estonia)
In Tallinn, we attended the Baltic Slurry Acidification project meeting, funded by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Program. The purpose of this project is to reduce nitrogen losses in the slurry. This is achieved by the acidification technology of the slurry. Liquid soils are acidified with sulfuric acid. These technologies are extensively tested, used in Denmark, but not so familiar in the rest of the Baltic Sea Region. The partner of the Latvia in this project is NGO Farmers’ Parliament, Latvian Agricultural and Training Center, “Lauku Agro” Ltd. We participated in the project in order to keep up with the new technologies in agriculture and their practical application in Latvia. In the framework of the project, we are collecting legislative environmental requirements for manure management. We believe that this technology is topical for countries with high animal density (Denmark, Germany). In Latvia, this technology could be binding on individual farms and slurry removal service providers. The project was launched in March 2016 and will end in February 2019.