Environmentally-friendly Management of Organic Fertilizers in Agriculture
Priority: P2 Sustainable use of common resources
Specific objective: Reduced nutrients, hazardous substances and toxins inflow into the Baltic Sea
Project objective
The project GreenAgri aims at reducing nutrient losses from agriculture in Baltic States by introducing and testing environmentally-friendly management of organic fertilizers. As agriculture is one of the sources of nutrients eventually entering from surface waters to Baltic Sea the project’s idea is to amend the situation.
The project is a joint effort of farmers from Estonia and Latvia contributing to the improvement of eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea. During the project period 20 farmers from Estonian and Latvian pilot areas implement innovative technologies and methods in real life using their own financial resources. Experts and researchers gather and analyse nutrient runoff data and provide the farmers with information about the efficiency of different solutions demonstrating real results in reducing nutrient losses from farms. It’s the first time, when testing of different technologies in manor management will be arranged in wider area using financial resources and intellectual capital of Estonian/Latvian farmers, farmers organizations and research institutions.
Project main result is reduced nutrient inflows from 20 pilot farms from Estonia and Latvia to surface water entering the Baltic Sea. The sustainability is ensured through dissemination of new knowledge to approximately 300 farmers. The advisors, who receive knowledge and experience during the project implementation, are able to support farmers from both sides of the border. Additionally, the project results support achieving the HELCOM targets for reduction of phosphorus and nitrogen input in Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga, aiming at reaching good ecological and environmental status by 2021.
Project partners:
- The Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce
- NGO “Farmers Parliament”
Project budget:
Total budget: EUR 859 491.51
ERDF co-financing: EUR 730 567,78
Partners contribution’: EUR 128,923.73
Project contacts:
- Silja Lehtpuu – Project Coordinator: lehtpuu@gravitas.ee
- Roomet Sõrmus – Chairman of Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce: sormus@epkk.ee
- Maira Dzelzkalēja-Burmistre, Deputy Chair of the Farmers’ Parliament: zsa@vmhost.lv
- Zanda Melnalksne – Project Manager of the Farmers’ Parliament: zanda@vmhost.lv
- Malle Lind, Communications Manager of the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce: malle@epkk.ee
- Līva Norkārkle, PR off Union “Farmers’ Parliament”: liva@vmhost.lv
Elīna Dūdiņa, Junior Project Manager of the Union “Farmers’ Parliament”: elina@vmhost.lv
Project GreenAgri homepage: www.epkk.ee/en/green-agri/
21.09.2016. Rural day “Environmental requirements for organic fertilizer management” VIDEO
Union “Farmers’ Parliament” introduces organic fertilizer spreading technologies Report
Project number: CB272 GreenAgri
Project period: 09.2015.-08.2019.
The project GreenAgri is co-financed by the Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020.