

Improving Skills for Smartfarming as an Innovative Tool for Rural Development and Economic Growth (SmartFarmer)

Agreement No. LLP-LdV-ToI-13-CY-1671317

Project No. 2013-1-CY1-LE005-03114


The project aims the creation and development of a training programme, a long term superfood electronic platform and a printed guide book. The purpose of those outputs is to enhance the dissemination and transfer of knowledge and innovation in the specialized agriculture areas of the selected superfoods.


Partnership: 7 partners from 5 countries

Lead Partner: Agricultural Research Institute (Cyprus)


 Cyprus University of Technology (CUT – Cyprus)

Union “Farmers Parliament” (ZSA – Latvia)

Harokopio University of Athens (HUA – Greece)

 M.A.G.I. – Greek Superfoods Cooperation (M.A.G.I. – Greece)

Development and Innovation Network (RCDI – Portugal)

Fundacion Maimona (FM – Spain)


In this project the ZSA with their experience, knowledge and ideas in training will:

–      present to the project partners the curriculum, training tool and other results of the Leonardo da Vinci project ProudFarmer

–      share ideas and experience in teaching methods and practical training;

–      carry out needs analysis in Latvia;

–      adapt and update the curriculum and (e-)learning materials to the current needs of Latvia and project target group;

–      pilot test the adapted training programme in Latvia

–      dissemination of the results




Updated Methodological Training Tool in Marketing

Trainers Handbook and Learner’s Guide  – methodological guidelines for trainers on the delivery of the training programme, and for the trainees that might be studying the learning materials independently.

Translated updated material in LV

Electronic platform:


Duration – 2 years

Budget: 21 161 EUR


SmartFarmer NEWS

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No.1

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No.2

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No.3

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No.4

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No.5

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No.6

SmartFarmer NEWS LETTER No. 7