Leonardo da Vinci project “Progress in Vocational Training for Rural Development” (ProVoTrain) (10.2005 – 09.2007)


The overall aim of the ProVoTrain project was to promote sustainable development of rural areas by improving the Quality of Vocational Educational Training systems and practices.

The Purpose of this project was to develop a common Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) for vocational education assessment across the member states of EU.


The ProVoTrain project (Progress in Vocational Training for Rural Development) was initiated in 2004 by the Vocational Education Centre of The Ministry of Education of Latvia.

The partners included:

Vocational Education Centre, The Latvian Ministry of Education and Science;
Farmers Parliament, Latvia;
Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, Landscentret, Denmark;
Kaunas Vocational Training Centre for Service Business Specialists, Lithuania;
Stichting International Foundation Sustainable Agriculture Training, Nederlands;
Pershore Group of Colleges, UK;
Bildungs und Beratungszentrum Fulda, Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen, DE;
France Europea CFPPA Jules RIEFFEL;
Institute of Educational Sciences, Romania.

The main activities of the project included:

1. development of Portfolio of Evidence – a new tool for assessment of students’ achievements (experience) gathered in the workplace, either as a contracted worker or as a trainee for transferable students’ qualifications at vocational educational system EU Qualification level 2, 3 and 4 (THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES DECISION of 16 July 1985 on the comparability of vocational training qualifications between the Member States of the European Community (85/368/EEC)) for the fields of agriculture, forestry, processing and tourism;

2. development of Training of Trainers package, to teach supervisors, education inspectors, assessors on how to use the the PoE tool in the most beneficiary way for the target group.

For more information: www.provotrain.net.

Project funding – 75% Leonardo da Vinci programme, 25% – co financing by project partners. Total grant for Farmers Parliament activities: EUR 10 175.