The goal of the project was to stimulate Latvian country human resource development and competitiveness by educating agriculture machine operators, as well as to improve cooperation between the employees and employers in country farms.
In order to raise the machine-operating skills of country famers for work with modern equipment 54 training seminars were conduceted all around Latvia, and the total number of 843 farmers were trained. Prior to that methodology was developed for farmers training and trainers were trained. Also 4 training seminars took place on human resource management for farm owners.
The project took place in close and effective cooperation with Latvian Association of Agriculture Machinery Dealers and several enterprises that provided the most up to date agriculture machinery for training purposes.
Four training handbooks were written, printed and distributed to farmers on four kinds of modern agriculture machinery (ploughs, combine harvesters, sprayers and sowers), each handbook in 1500 copies.
The total budget of project: EUR 103 363.
PHARE grant: EUR 62 017
Latvian Republic grant: EUR 77 522
National co-financing: EUR 15 504
Self-financing: EUR 25 841